Keep No-See-Ums at Bay – A Comprehensive Guide to Blocking Their Screen Infiltration


Imagine enjoying a serene summer evening on your porch, only to be relentlessly swarmed by tiny, biting insects that leave you scratching and irritated. These uninvited guests, known as no-see-ums, can transform your outdoor oasis into an unbearable torment. Their ability to sneak through even the smallest openings in window and door screens makes them a formidable adversary. But fear not! With our comprehensive guide, you’ll discover effective strategies to keep these pesky insects at bay and reclaim your outdoor haven.

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Understanding No-See-Ums: A Bite-Sized Overview

No-see-ums, also known as biting midges, are minuscule insects that measure a mere 1-3 millimeters in length. Despite their diminutive size, they possess a potent bite that can cause intense itching and swelling. The insects are particularly active during dawn and dusk, when they emerge in swarms to feed on the blood of humans and animals. Their ability to penetrate traditional window and door screens can make them a real nuisance, especially in coastal and marshy areas where they thrive.

Blocking the Gates: Effective Screen Solutions

To effectively repel no-see-ums, it’s essential to fortify your screens against their sneaky entrances. Here are several proven methods to keep these insects out of your home:

  • Install Ultra-Fine Mesh Screens: Opt for screens with a mesh size of 20 x 20 or higher. This ultra-fine mesh acts as an insurmountable barrier, preventing no-see-ums from squeezing through.

  • Magnetic Screen Doors: Invest in screen doors that utilize magnets to seal the edges, eliminating any gaps where insects could sneak in.

  • Electric Fly Swatters: If a few no-see-ums manage to sneak through, employ an electric fly swatter to swiftly eliminate them before they can cause discomfort.

  • UV Light Traps: Position UV light traps around your property to attract and trap no-see-ums before they reach your screens.

Natural Remedies: Repelling Insects without Chemicals

If you prefer a chemical-free approach to insect control, consider these natural remedies:

  • Essential Oils: Diffuse or apply essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint around your home and on your skin. These scents naturally repel no-see-ums.

  • Fan Circulation: Create a breeze around your porch or patio using fans. The strong air currents disrupt the insects’ flight paths and make it difficult for them to settle on your skin.

  • Citronella Candles: Citronella candles emit a strong scent that repels no-see-ums and other biting insects.

  • Garlic: Crush garlic cloves and sprinkle them around your home’s entry points. The strong odor acts as a natural insect deterrent.

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Additional Tips: Environmental Modifications to Limit Insect Presence

Beyond screen protection and natural repellents, you can modify your surroundings to reduce no-see-um activity around your home:

  • Remove Standing Water: Eliminate sources of standing water, such as birdbaths, clogged gutters, and old tires. No-see-ums breed in moist environments, so reducing these areas can significantly decrease their population.

  • Trim Vegetation: Keep your lawn and shrubs well-trimmed to prevent creating hiding places for no-see-ums and other insects.

  • Avoid Nighttime Lighting: Lights attract insects, so avoid using bright lights around your home during peak no-see-um activity (dawn and dusk).

  • Wear Long Sleeves and Pants: When venturing outdoors during no-see-um season, wear light-colored, long sleeves and pants to minimize exposed skin and reduce the likelihood of bites.

How To Keep No See Ums From Coming Through Screens


No-see-ums, those tiny yet persistent pests, can make outdoor enjoyment a misery. By implementing the strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can effectively keep these insects out of your home and reclaim your porch or patio as a peaceful sanctuary. Remember to combine screen protection with natural repellents and environmental modifications to create a formidable defense against no-see-ums. With these measures in place, you can finally enjoy your outdoor spaces without the annoyance of biting insects and make the most of the summer season.